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SitRep 19 - CSW - 04 MAY 21.pdf

巴基斯坦是能够有效控制第一轮疫情冲击,并同时为小型企业和工人阶层保持经济开放的少数国家之一。当其他国家在报道其新增病例时,巴基斯坦就在遏制病毒入侵方面颇有成效。在总理伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)的领导下,加之采取了具有实效性和创新性的...

Pakistan is one of the few nations that were able to control the first wave of COVID-19 and flatten the curve while keep...

1. The General Situation of the UK OutbreakRecently, the surge of new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the UK has o...

1.    英国疫情概况近日,英国激增的新冠确证病例再度引发了全球对英国疫情的关注。截止至2020年11月 25日,英国新增病例1.5万例,累计确诊破159万,死亡人数已经达到5.5万多例。在英国政府最新的每日数据中,11月13日有3.3万...

FILEPHOTO: A test tube labelled with the Vaccine is seen in front of AstraZenecalogo in this illustration taken, Sept 9,...

1.   Current SituationMorethan four months have passed since Trump declared a state of emergency in theUnited States, bu...



自 4 月 7 日宣布日本政府“紧急事态宣言”后的近一个半月,感染人数大幅减少趋势,从高峰期的4月11日,新增感染人数达714人,到进入5月以后的5月10日到5月24日,连续15天新增感染者在百人以下。政府以「最近一周内10万人内新的确诊人...

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International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response

Secretariat Contact:

New Century Institute of Education Safety Science and Technology

Coordinator: Ms. Wang Liao

Tel/Fax: +86-28-6010 6828


Address: Rm. 3-408, Building 7 of BRC Airport International City Phase I, No. 280, Baijia Section of Dajian Road, Xihanggang Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, P.R. China