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COVID-19——Lessons and Reflections from Sri Lanka

Issuing time:2020-07-10 13:06

COVID-19——Lessons and Reflections from Sri Lanka.jpg

The online meeting this time was majorly presided by Dr. Saja from Sri Lanka through ZOOM. The conference was titled Construction and development of Sri Lanka in the pandemic and its reflection,which was then respectively divided into several different themes. The first theme was on COVID19 Civil Society Engagement: Best Practices and Challenges from Sri Lanka,presented by Dr.Vinya Ariyarathne who is President of Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement. The second theme was on Capturing Community Perceptions in COVID19 Response: Synopsis of Three Online Surveys,presented by Dr. Novil Wijesekara, the Founder/Chief Resilience Officer and Researcher. And the third theme was on COVID19 risks and resilience: Lessons from Sri Lanka for future integrated approach introduced by Dr.Aslam Saja, Lecturer of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. At the end of each presentation,the audience and the presenter all had an online interaction to comment and discuss in term of the corresponding presentation.

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