International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response
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Issuing time:2020-05-11 10:41Author:IYRescueUSource:IYRescueU

To those who haven't known us yet, welcome! We are International Youth Rescue Union, a organization that is committed to building a community of shared future for   the world's youth. We mainly focus on issues such as climate change, garbage disposal, environmental protection, education, poverty and youth development.


The emblem of the International Youth Rescue Union is not only an essential representation of its international background but also a demonstration of the international community.

We create an image that shows our Earth looks like ice cream as the planet heats up. Its outermost surface is covered with Greens, three teenagers stand in front of the melting Earth and hold hands tightly, It is the China and international community's expectation that we set policies to protect the planet.

Our generation has the responsibility to improve the lives of all people while preserving the Earth's resources. The logo adopts yellow font, is also expected young people to be enthusiastic about environmental participation;action breeds confidence and courage.

The International Youth Rescue Union has now joined international organization in Southeast Asia——ICAAR, and gained support from them. ICAAR, also known as International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response, is an organization initiated by many Asian countries and used for fighting against the coronavirus. CLICK to learn about ICAAR

On the other hand, in China, we have communicated with Hubei economic development promotion association. They authentically recognize IYRescueU and encourage us to gather the power of the youth.

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