International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response
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Constitution of The International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response (IACCR)

Issuing time:2020-03-19 16:16

Constitution (2021 Amendment) of The International Alliance forCOVID-19 Community Response (IACCR)


The Constitution 2021 with one amendment on 43 of Article 15VALIDITY AND EFFECT is effective on March 31st, 2021.




1. Name of the Alliance is “社区应对新冠肺炎国际网络(hereafter referred to asthe IACCR )” in Chinese and“International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response (IACCR)” in English.
本网络的中文名称为:社区应对新冠肺炎国际网络;英文名称为:International Alliance for

COVID-19 Community Response (IACCR)

2. Purpose: to reduce and eliminate the harm caused by COVID-19 to humanbeings.

2. 宗旨:减轻和消除 COVID-19 对人类造成的伤害。

3. Objective: on the basis of equality,trust and inclusiveness, members of the IACCR could coordinate and cooperatethrough sharing information, technology and resources to effectively respond toCOVID-19.

3. 目标:在平等、信任、包容的基础上,全球各网络成员间通过信息、技术与资源的共享,协调协作行动,有效应对。



Members of the IACCR shall adhere to thefollowing principles:


4. Nonpolitical and non-profit;

5. Respecting the culture of all countriesor regions;

6. Make best effort to respond to localcitizens, foreigners and stateless persons in the countries or regions of themembers. Response shall be epidemic affected people centered, with specialattention to the needs of children, women, elderly and disabled people in theepidemic, and promote epidemic affected people’s participation;

6. 力所能及响应成员所在国家或地区公民、外籍及无国籍人士在当地的求助,以受疫情影响人群的需求为中心,特别关注儿童、女性、长者、身心障碍人士的需要,并促进受疫情影响人群在行动中的参与;

7. The IACCR shall give priority tomembers of developing countries and severely affected countries or regions;

7. 网络优先响应发展中国家、疫情严重国家或地区组织成员;

8. Abiding by the norms of internationalrelations and the laws of all countries and regions.

8. 遵守国际关系准则与各国和地区的法律。

Article 3 TASKS


9. The IACCR regularly holds meetings formembers to report on local epidemic situation and share response measures andexperiences in various countries or regions so that to support members'adequate preparedness and responses in the following areas, including but notlimited to: human resource, medical equipment, emergency supplies (masks,electronic thermometers, protective clothing, etc.), procurement and logistics,action plans, etc.

9. 网络定期召开会议,各国和地区疫情及应对措施报告分享,以便网络成员在以下方面做出充分的准备和应对,包括但不限于:人员、技术、医疗设备、应急物资、采购及物流、行动预案等。

10. To collect technical information andguidance on epidemic prevention and control, especially summarize and translatetechnical manuals of China's experience inCOVID-19 response on the individual, family,and community level, and share them with members of the IACCR and othercountries or regions in need.

10. 收集疫情防控技术信息,特别是汇总翻译个人、家庭、社区防疫中国经验的技术手册,向网络成员及全球分享。

11. To provide technical guidance formembers of the IACCR to conduct a community needs assessment and infection riskassessment.

11. 为网络成员开展社区需求评估,传染风险评估等提供技术指导。

12. To help members of the IACCR of theaffected countries or regions to raise funds, raise materials or medicalprofessional volunteers, and provide assistance in emergency materialprocurement (from China);

12. 帮助疫情国家或地区网络成员募款、募集物资或医疗专业志愿者,以及提供紧急物资的采购(中国)协助。

13. To discuss and respond to otherproposals or requests from members of the IACCR. 13. 就网络成员的其他提议或请求进行讨论和响应。

Article 4 ORGANS


14. To implement the purposes and tasks,the organs within the framework of the IACCR include: a General Assembly, aCouncil, and a Secretariat.

14. 为落实本章程宗旨和任务,网络框架内的机构包括:全体会议;理事会;及秘书处。

15. The functions and working procedures of the organs of the IACCR shall be determinedby the General Assembly.

16. The General Assembly can adopt a decision to establish other organs of theIACCR. 16.



17. The General Assembly is the supremebody of the IACCR. The General Assembly shall determine the basic direction ofthe IACCR’s activities and the internal structure and operation, the principleof cooperation with government agencies, non-governmental organizations,corporates and individuals in various countries or regions, and study the mosturgent issues at the same time.

17. 全体会议是本网络最高机构。该会议确定本网络活动的基本方向,决定内部结构和运作,与各国家或地区政府机构、非政府组织、企业或个人相互协作的原则问题,同时研究最迫切的问题。

18. Regular sessions of the GeneralAssembly shall be held quarterly and convened by the Secretariat. The regularsession shall be held through an online videoconference.

18. 全体会议例会每季举行一次,由秘书处召集。例会原则上通过网络视频会议方式举行。

Article 6 COUNCIL


19. The Council is the internalcoordination and management body of the IACCR. The members of the Council shallbe allocated by the founding organizations, the organizations or individualsbeing approved to join the IACCR according to the principle of “one countryowns one quota”. If there are multiple organizations or individuals in acountry join in the IACCR, the member of the Council shall be elected by themultiple organizations or individuals from relevant country. If the electionfails, the member of the Council will be appointed by the Council.Representative of each member shall be appointed by the member of the Council.

19. 理事会是本网络的内部协调和管理机构。理事成员由发起组织及申请加入组织或个人按每个国家一个理事成员名额分配,如一个国家有多个组织或个人参加本网络,则由该多个组织或个人推举,无法推举的由理事会决定。理事由各名额组织委派。

20. Sessions of the Council shall beconvened occasionally, on the proposal of the Secretariat or a joint proposalof one-fifth of the members of the Council. The Council shall be convened bythe Secretary-General.

20. 理事会不定期召开,在秘书处提议或五分之一理事联名提议的情况下召开。理事会由秘书长召集。

21. The Council shall set ConsultantCommittee and other working committees according to needs to provide guidanceto the Secretariat’s work in response.

21. 理事会根据需要,可设顾问委员会及其他工作委员会,以指导秘书处的应对工作。



22. The Secretariat is the standingadministrative body of the IACCR. It provides coordination and organization foractivity implementation within the framework of the IACCR.

22. 秘书处是本网络常设行政机构。它承担本网络框架内开展活动的协调组织工作。

23. There shall be one Secretary-Generaland several Deputy Secretary-Generals. The Secretary-General shall be approvedby the Council on the recommendation of members of the IACCR; the DeputySecretary-Generals shall be recommended by the Secretary-General and approvedby the Council.

23. 秘书处设秘书长一名,副秘书长多名。秘书长由理事会根据各网络成员推荐批准决定; 副秘书长由秘书长推荐,由理事会批准决定。

24. Secretary-General works for a term ofone year, with a maximum of one consecutive term.

24. 秘书长任期一年,最多连任一次。

25. No more than one Secretary-General orDeputy Secretary-General shall be approved from a same member of the IACCR.

25. 同一网络成员最多只能有一人被批准为秘书长或副秘书长。

26. Secretariat staff shall be recruitedby the Secretary-General according to working situation.

26. 秘书处工作人员由秘书长根据情况聘任。

27. The Secretariat of the IACCR istemporarily located in Chengdu City (of People's Republic of China).

27. 本网络秘书处暂设在成都市(中华人民共和国)

Article 8 FUNDING


28. The funding of the IACCR is to bedonated by the government agencies, non-governmental organization orcorporates, members of the IACCR, or public or private funding raised by theIACCR or members of the IACCR in accordance with the special agreement of theIACCR.

28. 本网络的经费保障,由政府机构、非政府组织或企业捐赠、网络成员捐赠、本网络或按


Article 9 MEMBERS


29. The IACCR is open to all national orregional government agencies, non-governmental organizations, corporates andindividuals that are committed to abide by the purposes and principles of thisConstitution and other agreements and documents adopted within the framework ofthe IACCR. The above entities could be accepted as members of the IACCR.

29. 本网络对承诺遵守本章程宗旨和原则及本网络框架内通过的其他协定和文件规定的所有国家和地区政府机构、非政府组织、企业或个人实行开放,接纳其为网络成员。

30. The decision of the IACCR to recruitnew members shall be submitted by the Secretariat based on the formalapplications received to the Council for approval.

30. 本网络吸收新成员的决定由秘书处根据收到提交的正式申请报理事会通过。

31. If any member of the IACCR violatesthe regulations of this Constitution and / or frequently fails to perform itsobligations under the agreements and documents signed within the framework ofthe IACCR, the General Assembly shall decide on the basis of the report by theSecretary-General to suspend its membership. If the member continues to violateits obligations, the General Assembly shall decide to expel it from the IACCR,and the effective date shall be determined by the General Assembly.

31. 如网络成员违反本章程规定和()经常不履行其按本网络框架内所签协定书和文件承担的义务,可由全体会议根据秘书长报告作出决定,中止其网络成员资格。如该网络成员继续违反自己的义务,全体会议可做出将其开除出本网络的决定,开除日期由全体会议确定。

32. All members of the IACCR have theright to withdraw from the IACCR. Official notification of withdrawal from theIACCR shall be submitted to the Secretariat at least one week in advance.Obligations from its membership and other documents within the framework of theIACCR during its participation adopted by the member remain binding on theentity after its withdrawal.

32. 网络成员都有权退出本网络。关于退出本网络的正式通知应至少提前一周提交秘书处。参加本网络及本网络框架内通过的其他文件期间所应履行的义务,仍对该退出网络成员具有约束力。



33. The IACCR can establish collaborativeand dialogue relationships with other national or regional governments,non-governmental organizations and corporates, including cooperation inspecific fields.

33. 本网络可与其他国家或地区政府、非政府组织、企业建立协作与对话关系,包括在某些方面的合作。

34. This Constitution shall not affect theother rights and obligations of the members of the IACCR except for which inthe joint response to COVID-19.

34. 本章程不影响各网络成员在共同应对 COVID-19 之外的权利和义务。



35. The IACCR shall be based on theConstitution and the agreements under the framework of the IACCR, where nobodyenjoys independent personality.

35. 本网络是作为各网络成员基于章程及本网络框架下的协定及相关文件组成的网络,不享有法人人格。

36. Obligations and rights shall befigured out among members of the IACCR in terms of bilateral / multilateralagreements. However, since it is a manifestation of intention of the members toadopt the Constitution and other agreements under the framework of the IACCR,the Constitution and other agreement shall be seen as the basis of their claim.

36. 网络成员之间依据应对COVID-19 的双边或多边协议明确权利与义务,但基于本网络章程及本网络框架下的协定及相关文件是参加及签署的网络成员的真实意思表示,在不与双边或多边协议冲突的情况下,可以成为各网络成员主张权利的依据之一。



37. Resolutions made in the IACCR shall bealign with majority, which means any resolution shall be passed by half of themembers or more. However, resolution to suspend or terminate a membership shallbe performed under the principle of “All Passed Among Members Except for theRelated”.

37. 本网络各机构的决议以多数决。协商过程中二分之一以上网络成员同意即视为决议通过。但中止成员资格或将其开除出网络的决议除外,该决议按除有关网络成员外协商一致原则通过。

38. Any member or members of the IACCR mayexpress its or their opinions on individual aspects and / or specific issuesthrough the resolution adopted, without prejudice to the adoption of the entireresolution. The above points shall be recorded in the conference minutes.

38. 任何网络成员都可就所通过决议的个别方面和()具体问题阐述其观点,这不妨碍整个决议的通过。上述观点应写入会议纪要。

39. If any member or members of the IACCRare not interested in the implementation of certain cooperation projects thatother members of the IACCR are of interest in, their non-participation does notimpede the relevant members from implementing these projects, nor does itimpede the other members from joining them in the future.

39. 如某个网络成员或几个网络成员对其他网络成员感兴趣的某些合作项目的实施不感兴趣,他们不参与并不妨碍有关网络成员实施这些合作项目,同时也不妨碍上述网络成员在将来加入到这些项目中来。



40. Resolutions of the IACCR made byorgans of all levels are implemented by members of the IACCR in accordance withthe procedures of their own organization.

40. 本网络各机构的决议由网络成员根据其自身组织的程序执行。

41. The implementation of the Constitutionand other agreements within the framework of the IACCR and the obligations inall organs of the IACCR shall be monitored and supervised by the organs.

41. 各网络成员落实本章程和本网络框架内其他议定及本网络各机构决议所规定义务的情况,由本网络各机构在其权力范围内进行监督和督促。

Article 14 LANGUAGES


42. Official language of the IACCR shallbe Chinese and English.

42. 本网络的官方和工作语言为中文和英文。



43. The validity of this Constitutionshall tentatively terminate by March 31st, 2021. After this initialterm, the Constitution shall automatically renew for successive one-year termsunless terminated by the General Assembly.

43. 本章程自生效之日生效的有效期暂定至 2021 3 31 日。除非全体会议决定终止,章程到期将按一年为周期持续自动续期。

44. This Constitution comes into effectafter being adopted at the first session of the Assembly.

44. 本章程经第一次全体会议通过生效。

45. After the Constitution comes intoeffect, the IACCR shall be free open to any country or regional governmentalagencies, non-governmental organizations, corporates and individuals.

46. With the approval of joining, thisconstitution shall take effect immediately to newly joined members of theIACCR.

46. 经理事会通过新加入的网络成员,本章程立即生效。



47. Members of the IACCR shall negotiateand seek solutions when disputes or conflicts occur while explaining orapplying the Constitution.

47. 如在解释或适用本章程时出现争议和分歧,网络成员将通过磋商和协商加以解决。



48. The Constitution may be amended andsupplemented by mutual consultation among members of the IACCR. Decisions ofthe General Assembly on amendments and supplementation are fixed by a separateprotocol as an integral part of this Constitution and shall come into effectimmediately.

48. 经网络成员相互协商,本章程可以修正和补充。全体会议关于修正和补充的决定以作为本章程不可分割部分的单独议定书方式固定下来,即行生效。



49. The Storage Organization for theConstitution is New Century Institute of Education Safety Science andTechnology (NCIESST).

49. 本章程的保存组织为新安世纪教育安全科技研究院。

50. The Constitution is signed on ________________ (DD/MM/YYYY), written inChinese and English in two copies, both texts being equally authentic.
本章程于 2020 _____________日签署,正本一式一份,分别用中文和英文写成,两种文本同等作准。

51. The original of this Constitution iskept by the Storage Organization, and the organization distributes a verifiedcopy to all signing organizations.

51. 本章程正本交由保存组织保存,并由该组织将核对无误的副本分发给所有签署组织。

Signatures of membersof the IACCR: ______________

网络成员签字: ______________