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Professor Atsumi's Laboratory, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

Issuing time:2020-03-23 18:25Source:日本


Professor Tomohide Atsumi, professor of Human Sciences at Osaka University and PhD in Psychology, University ofMichigan, USA.

Chairperson of the Japanese Disaster ReliefVolunteer Network, a non-profit entity in Japan.

Associate dean of New Century Institute of Education Safety Science and Technology.

Academic Achievements

Published 50 books and 199 papers.

Joined professional academic organizations

Japan Group Dynamics Society, Japanese Society of Psychology, Kansai Psychological Society, Japanese Society of Social Psychology, Mathematical Sociology Society, NPO Society of Japan, International Volunteer Society, Japan Natural Disaster Society, Japan Disaster Reconstruction Society, Regional Safety Society, Disability Society, Japan Japan Association for Social Education, Japan Society for Educational Management, Asian Association of Social Psychology