IACCR国际培训班第六课暨结班仪式顺利举行--疫情应对的国际国内交流模式(下)Issuing time:2021-09-28 12:28 IACCR国际培训班第六课暨结班仪式顺利举行--疫情应对的国际国内交流模式(下) Sixth Lesson & Closing Ceremony of the International Training Course of IACCR – International & Domestic Communication of the Outbreak Response IACCR国际培训班第六讲课程暨结班仪式于26日下午1:00准时进行,受到疫情的影响,原定的线下会议取消,仍在线上召开。 本期课程主要围绕“疫情应对的国际国内模式交流”。当今社会已是一个全球化、大数据下的时代,在此背景下国际社会组织的相互合作对于流行病的防治起到重要作用。那么本期课程的特邀授课专家将会带我们了解相关内容,一起往下看吧。 The sixth lecture and closing ceremony of the IACCR International Training Course was held on time at 1:00 p.m. on the 26th. Being affected by the pandemic situation, the scheduled offline meeting was cancelled and was still held online. This course focuses on “International & Domestic Communication of the Outbreak Response”. We are living in a globalized era where big data is widely covered, in which the cooperation of international organizations plays an important role in the prevention and control of epidemics. Without further ado, invited instructors of today’s course will take us to learn about the relevant content.
嘉宾介绍 Introduction to Today’s Guests
胡安·安东尼奥·卡莫纳·加西亚Juan Antonio Carmona García
政治分析家、活动家、志愿者、国际主义者和企业家。作为一名年轻的研究人员和讲师,他在世界各地参加了30多次会议。 Political analyst, activist, volunteer, internationalist, and entrepreneur. As a young researcher and lecturer, he has attended more than 30 conferences around the world. Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar 博士,RCE机构斯利那加负责人。曾任印度环境教育中心(CEE)高级项目主任。致力于推动可持续发展教育,旨在实现一个可持续的、气候智能和抗灾社区。Gangwar博士及其团队的研究被2007年获得诺贝尔和平奖的政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)报告所采用。 Ph.D., Head of RCE Agency Srinagar. He used to be the Senior Program Director in Indian Centre for Environmental Education (CEE). Committed to promoting sustainable development education aimed at achieving a sustainable, climate-smart, and resilient community. The research by Dr Gangwar and his team was used in the 2007 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which won the Nobel Peace Prize. 渥美公秀 大阪大学人间科学研究科教授、美国密歇根大学心理学博士。日本非营利活动法人日本灾害救援志愿者网络理事长。 Professor at Graduate School of Human Sciences Human Sciences, Osaka University; Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Michigan, USA. Director of the Japan Disaster Relief Volunteer Network, a non-profit activist in Japan. 张国远 副教授,中国灾害防御协会社服办主任,社区应对新冠肺炎国际网络(IACCR)召集人。 Associate Professor, Director of Social Services, China Disaster Defense Association, Founder of the International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response(IACCR). 王香奕 中国国际民间组织合作促进会 - 副理事长兼秘书长 China Association for the Promotion of Cooperation among China’s International Civil Society Organizations - Vice President and Secretary-General.
内容介绍 Content Antonio 先生向我们墨西哥未来组织在应对新冠疫情中所采取的行动。墨西哥未来组织是一个由来自世界各地的年轻领导人组成的运动,旨在共同讨论并找到解决全球性和地方性问题的办法,目前有来自世界190多个国家的15万多人参加。 Mr. Antonio introduced what their domestic organization did in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. Future Team Mexico is a movement where young leaders from around the world will discuss and find solutions to global and local issues, with more than 150,000 participants from more than 190 countries around the world. 在COVID-19期间,墨西哥未来组织重点是收集有关专题的专家,在如卫生、经济、政治和民主、司法权合法性、艺术文化体育和娱乐等方面的发言。希望通过协调活动与世界建立密切联系,并告诉民众该做些什么。 During the pandemic, Future Team Mexico focused on collecting statements of experts on topics such as health, economics, politics and democracy, legality of the judiciary, arts, culture, sports, and recreation. By coordinating activities, it is hoped to establish close ties with the world and to tell the public what should do. 渥美公秀教授为我们带来的主题分享是“国际交流与合作对流行病应对的意义”。在COVID-19下我们要积极做出反应,政府、社会都去帮忙,不应该让任何人落在后面。作为IACCR的召集人之一,渥美公秀教授提到IACCR主要讨论:①当志愿者患上病毒时怎么做②如何促使市民,尤其是年轻学生,认真地作出回应的?③如果很难看到他们,如何照顾老人和残疾人?④我们能为未来的生物危害反应建立一个模型吗? Professor Atsumi shared his thoughts on the “Significance of International Exchange and Cooperation for Pandemic Response”. Under COVID-19, we need to respond positively with the help of governments and communities, no one should be left behind. As one of the convenors of the IACCR, Professor Atsumi said that the main points that IACCR should discuss are: (1) what we should do when our volunteers infect the virus? (2) How to motivate the public, especially young students, to respond seriously? (3) If it is difficult to do impersonal caregiving, how to take care of the elderly and disabled? (4) Can we build a model for future biohazard responses? 面对上述问题,IACCR提出了一种可能性:通过国际网络分享信息,提醒人们注意自己的社会规范和传统生活方式,特别是尊重老年人。 国际志愿人员组织COVID-19志愿人员国际网络在社区有效应对流行病灾害和未来自然灾害方面具有很大潜力。 To those problems, IACCR shows a possibility of sharing information through international networks: to draw attention to their social norms and traditional lifestyles, in particular respect for older persons. IACCR has great potential for communities to respond effectively to pandemic and future natural disasters. 王香奕秘书长为我们带来的主题分享是“疫情之下的社会组织国际交流与合作”。王秘书长先是介绍了中国国际民间组织合作促进会:是一家全国性、非营利性、联合性、自愿结成的独立社团法人,主要服务于扶贫与社区发展、社会性别、环境保护与气候变化、社会组织能力建设、国际合作与全球治理。 Secretary-General Wang brought us the theme of sharing is “international exchanges and cooperation of social organizations under the pandemic”. Secretary-General Wang first introduced the China Association for the Promotion of Cooperation among China’s International Civil Society Organizations: a national, non-profit, joint and voluntary independent association legal person, serving poverty alleviation and community development, gender, environmental protection and climate change, capacity-building of social organizations, international cooperation and global governance. 面对COVID-19下的社会组织国际交流与合作,王秘书长提出了几点建议:①适应疫情防控常态化形势;②创新国际交流与合作模式;③加强国际化人才培养和能力建设。 In the face of international exchanges and cooperation between social organizations under COVID-19, Secretary-General Wang made several suggestions: (1) adapt to the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, (2) innovate the model of international exchanges and cooperation, and (3) strengthen international talent training and capacity-building. 张国远教授为我们带来的主题分享是“社会组织国际交流与合作发展趋势”。张教授主要向我们分析了《对外援助管理办法》对于社会组织国际交流的未来前景。 Professor Zhang Guoyuan’s topic is “The Development Trend of International Exchange and Cooperation in Social Organizations’. Professor Zhang mainly analyzed the prospects of “the Administrative Measures for Foreign Aid”, specifically for international exchanges among social organizations. ①国内外民间组织首次具有了参与中国对外援助体系的制度空间; ②国内社会组织长期积累的工作经验和能力高度契合对外援助的目标和方式; ③国家国际发展合作署将会在国内外民间组织参与的机制方面发挥顶层设计的作用; ④国家国际发展合作署和中共中央对外联络部等部门将成为国内民间组织参与对外援助的国家关键部门; ⑤国内民间组织未来将在多个方面得到国内便利政策的支持; ⑥为对外援助人员的待遇提供了制度保障。 1) For the first time, civil society organization at home and abroad has institutionalized space of China foreign aid system; 2) The long-term working experience and capacity of domestic social organizations are highly compatible with the objectives and modalities of foreign assistance; 3) The National Agency for International Development Cooperation will play a top-level design role in mechanisms involving civil society organizations at home and abroad; 4) The National Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Department of External Liaison of the CPC Central Committee will become key national departments for domestic civil society organizations to participate in foreign aid; 5) Domestic civil society organizations will be supported by domestic facilitation policies in many areas in the future; 6) Provides institutional guarantees for the treatment of foreign aid workers. IACCR国际培训课虽然已落下帷幕,但我们一直在路上,期待下一次的见面。 Although the international training courses of IACCR have come to an end, we are always on the road, looking forward to our next meeting. |