IACCR国际培训班第五课——疫情中的 公共卫生服务与心理服务(下)Issuing time:2021-08-05 15:05 IACCR国际培训班第五讲课程于今日上午9:30准时开课,学员们热情满满 ,直播课现场气氛活跃,课程内容受到一致好评。 本期课程主要围绕“疫情中的公共心理服务”。公共心理服务提供科学、系统、实用的人文关怀同时,关注自己的身心健康,避免共情疲劳。本期课程的特邀授课专家将会带我们了解有关后疫情时代的公共心理服务内容,一起往下看吧。
嘉宾介绍 周婷丽:国家二级心理咨询师,国内首批哀伤咨询师,注册心理师,团体关系顾问,森林疗养师&培训讲师与督导,主管护理师。2020中科院心理所抗疫护士项目心理专家。团体专委会人际动力学组督导,2020年中灾协爱心抗疫志愿者督导师。
内容介绍 周婷丽老师为我们带来的主题分享是“疫情中的公共心理服务”。此次疫情应对再次凸显社会心理服务体系建设的重要性和紧迫性,中国建设社会心理服务体系已刻不容缓。
一、了解心理压力及特点 公共心理常常有以下几个特点:心理需求的广泛性;利益追求的共同性;信息暗示的易受性;行为模仿的普遍性;情绪感染的强烈性。 在疫情下面对医院/社区内的感染风险、有限的医疗资源、过大的工作压力心理援助者往往有着更大的心理压力,为了更好地提供心理服务,我们需要更多地去了解压力状态下需求,正所谓“知己知彼百战百胜”。
二、公共心理服务基本原则 Preparations准备;3L原则观察、倾听、联系;Normalize常态化。 在公共心理服务中我们更主要的是帮助当事人自我成长、重塑人生,让当事人能更好地融入社会环境中生活,学到新的应对方式技巧、增加生活选择。 学会助人自助而不是代替他人生活,心理援助者要分清角色与职责、保持工作边界,保持当事人独立完整的个体形象。 后疫情时代,社会心理服务体系建设的不断完善,势必为我国社会治理体系保驾护航,为社会长治久安贡献更多专业智慧。 The Fifth Lecture of IACCR on Public Health and Psychological Services in COVID-19 (PART 2) The fifth lecture of IACCR International Training Class started timely at 9:30 a.m. today, whose students were so enthusiastic that the atmosphere of the live class was active and whose content was acclaimed. The course focuses on the theme of “Public Psychological Services in the Epidemic”, whose aim is to provide scientific, systematic and practical humanistic care as well as helping those professional staff to pay attention to their own physical and mental fitness in order to avoid the empathic fatigue. The guest lecturer will explain to us about contents of public psychological services in the post-pandemic era. So please go! Introduction of the Guest Zhou Tingli: Secondary National Psychological Consultant; One of the first batch of domestic grief counselors; Registered Psychologist; Group-relationship consultant; Forest Recuperator, Training instructor and supervisor; Chief nurse specialist. Psychological expert of Anti-epidemic Nurse Project of the Institute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020; Supervisor of the Interpersonal Dynamics Team of Group Special Committee, and Supervisor of Anti-epidemic Volunteers of the China Association for Disaster Prevention in 2020. Content Ms. Zhou gave a lecture themed as Public Psychological Services in the Epidemic. The response to the epidemic has once again highlighted the importance and urgency of constructing a socially-psychological service system which for China is impending. I. Psychological pressure and its characteristics Public psychology is featured as follows: the universality of psychological needs; the commonality of interests; the acceptability of implied information; the universality of behavioral imitation and the intensity of emotional contagion. Faced with infection risks in hospital or community, limited medical resources, and excessive work pressure during the epidemic period, psychological support workers are often burdened with greater psychological pressure. In order to provide better psychological services, we, as professional staff, should learn more about the needs under pressure, because there is a saying that people who know themselves and enemies will win the battle. II. Basic principles of public psychological services Here are those principles: Preparations; 3L (Look; Listen; Link); Normalize. While providing public psychological services, we as professional psychological support workers, should primarily help the recipients to accomplish their self-development and reshaping, so as to enable them to be better adapted into the society and equipped with new coping skills along with multiple choices. Psychological support workers’ responsibility is helping others to stand on themselves rather than completing all duties for others. Hence, we should make it clear what our roles and responsibilities are, set boundaries of work and keep the independent and intact individual images of the recipients. In the post-epidemic era, the continuous improvement of the socially psychological service system is bound to power China’s social governance system and professionally contribute much to the social stability for a long term. |