IACCR International Training Course 0327(国际培训班第一课)Issuing time:2021-03-30 09:10 IACCR国际培训班第一课开讲—— 社区如何做好风险排查与疫情防控 (English version follows) 历时半年的精心筹备,IACCR国际培训班于今日上午10:00正式拉开帷幕。本期培训共招募到来自中国、日本、马来西亚等多个国家277名学员将在接下来三个月中共同学习、互动交流。 本期课程主要围绕“社区如何做好风险排查与疫情防控”。自新冠疫情发生以来,社区疫情防控排查任务艰巨、管控压力大,存在着众多防控的隐患。关于如何正确认识社区在公共危机下的角色,加强居民的义务感等一系列问题,本期课程的特邀授课专家为我们提出了他们的见解。 嘉宾介绍 俞祖成:政策科学博士(日本同志社大学),上海外国语大学国际关系与公共事务学院副教授,兼任民政部全国基层政权建设和社区治理专家委员会委员 刘飞:成都市爱有戏社区发展中心创始人、主任。民政部首批全国专业社会工作领军人才。第十批成都市有突出贡献的优秀专家,社工师、会计师。四川省党代表,成都市人大代表,中国社会工作联合会常务理事。 内容分享 俞祖成老师为我们带来的主题分享是基层社区公共危机管理能力建设。他首先通过“联动主义”带入今天的主题。“联动主义”是社区治理优化的重要原理,但通过实际调研发现社区在动员居民参与社区治理中的效果不太明显。俞老师提到当前西方普遍存在的“更多的权利,更少的义务”这一福利陷阱似乎也体现在我国社会中,为此我们需要寻找一个社区治理优化的新支点,撬动居民参与。 就社区为何要重视公共危机管理,俞老师提到当前自然灾害频发、公共安全事件不断升级,而政府及其他公共组织应对风险的能力不足,对此社区需履行好在公共危机管理中的职责:进行宣传动员,组织群众开展自救和互救,协助维护社会秩序,以提升社区应急能力。 就社区如何应对公共危机,俞老师提到了“五大机制”,即应急指挥机制、联防联控机制、信息管理机制、法律遵循机制、脆弱群体关怀机制。 当前疫情防控最主要的屏障即“疫苗接种”,俞老师提到当前政府大力推进疫苗接种工作,以上海为例,目前各个社区已开展疫苗宣传工作,计划今年实现上海全民接种。 最后俞老师总结要强化社区公共危机管理能力建设,以公共安全为支点,撬动社会治理,构建人人有责、人人负责、人人享有的社会治理共同体。 刘飞老师为我们带来的主题分享是社会组织参与突发公共卫生事件案例分享,主要以社会工作服务为切入点。她提到公共卫生社会工作是新时期健康社会工作的重要基础,在接下来的十年内,健康领域社会工作者的数量预计将增长至75%的社会工作者。 而关于社会组织如何参与到社区防疫工作中,刘飞老师提出三点主要做法:①以社会工作专业为支撑,全面参与社区防疫工作;②以社区为基础,构建社区防疫支持体系;③动员社会资源,助力全国社会防疫。 刘飞老师提到社区排查工作较难推进,存在人手不足、居民不配合等多种问题,但社区排查可以有效找准传染源并切断传播途径,阻断二次传播。 在疫情防控中,爱有戏在居民个人、社区、社会等多方面都发挥了自己的力量:立足疫情下居民需求,通过社区营造实现社会整合,缓解社会恐慌;积极参与抗疫力量资源整合工作;梳理总结实践经验,提供行业支持,营造良好社会环境。 自新冠疫情发生以来,我国的疫情防控工作强有力,得到世界的一致认同。但我们还应该加强公共卫生危机风险的防范预案管理,做到、做好未雨绸缪工作,进一步提升社区治理规范化精细化水平,也期待我国社区抗疫防疫的经验经由本次培训带到更多国家,支持全球疫情的应对。 课程结束后学员们踊跃提问,专家答疑解惑,意犹未尽,期待课后更多交流,下期再见! IACCR International Training Course—Lesson 1: How can communities better participate in risk investigation and epidemic prevention and control After six months of intensive preparation, IACCR International Training Course officially kicked off at 10:00 this morning. 277 trainees from various countries including China, Japan, and West Asia have joined in this project and will continue to study and communicate together in the next three countries. The first lesson focused on "how can communities better participate in risk investigation and epidemic prevention and control". How can we correctly identify the duty and role of communities amid the public emergency? How can communities improve residents’ sense of responsibility? The list goes on and guests invited in this class had put forward their solutions. GUESTS Mr. Yu shared his theory about construction of public crisis management capabilities in grassroots communities and came up with the concept of "Linkageism" as an important principle of community governance optimization. He also mentioned that the welfare trap of "more rights, fewer obligations" that is currently widespread in Western countries seems to be raging across our society too. In response, we have to seek for new methods to get residents actually involved. Mr. Hu explained why communities should attach importance to public health emergency and gave suggestions on applicable measures. “Five Major Mechanisms” about emergency command, linkage, information management, legal compliance and special care for vulnerable groups: Mr. Yu emphasized the significance of mass vaccination and of the construction of community public crisis management capacity which requires the participation of everyone. The second guest, Mrs. Liu gave a case sharing of social organizations participating in public health emergencies, which mainly focus on social services. She mentioned that public health social work is an important foundation for healthcare social work in the new era and the proportion of healthcare workers among social workers was expected to increase to 75% in the next decade as the inevitable link between social work and health were increasingly recognized by disciplines of social work. As for social organizations’ participation in community epidemic control, Mrs. Liu put forward three main measures : ① Fully participating in community-level Covid-19 control underpinned by social workers; ② Constructing a community based support system against Covid-19; ③ Mustering social resources for national Covid-19 Control. Mr. Liu pointed out that community investigations, which could effectively break the chains of transmission, were difficult to advance because of the shortage of social workers, low participation and compliance of residence, etc. I YOU SHE, the social organization which Mrs.Liu is serving, has played a significant role in motivating residents, communities, and society in the epidemic control made fruitful outcome: communities are committed to self-construction based on the needs of residents to integrate the society and alleviate social panic; a docking platform had been built to meet the urgent need of epidemic prevention materials of front-line Covid-19 control; social workers have been actively participating in resource integration; with the approach of action research, I YOU SHE has weaved together its practical experience in its publication offering professional support to social workers. Conclusion Despite that China’s fast and effective response to COVID-19 has been widely recognized by international communities, there is still plenty of room for improvement in the management of public health crisis prevention plans, precautions, and the standardization and refinement of community governance. We hope that Chinese communities’ experience of epidemic prevention and control can be of help for other countries and even the global fight against Covid-19. |